That’s All Folks!

Just wrapped up my last day of work for 2010. I may not be exactly where I had hoped to be eight months after my graduation but I have faith! I'm leaving you with one of my favorite songs from the 80's Mr. George Michael and in keeping with that one of my favorite holiday... Continue Reading →

Brace Yourself – You’re on Defense

Without question this is my favorite time of year. Snow is still beautiful and not an annoying hassle, I get to see family, Christmas music is on the radio 24/7 and I get to put shiny stuff all over my house. On the flip side this time of year often means defending my chosen career... Continue Reading →

A Graceful Exit

I've talked about making a good first impression and keeping a positive attitude at the work place. Now it's time to address that occasion when you may need to bow out, eg. quit. This is a bridge everyone crosses eventually it has a different impact on your life depending on at what age you're making this choice... Continue Reading →

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